To: U.S. Soccer Membership
From: Dr.
George Chiampas, Chief Medical Officer
RE: Coronavirus
With the increasing number of cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) being reported across the world, U.S. Soccer's leadership has reviewed and will continue to monitor all international and domestic programming for our National Teams and staff. As part of this review, we are working closely in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and international agencies including the State Department, USOPC, IOC and FIFA in real time to guide decisions on travel and participation.
Our main priority is the safety and well-being of our players, coaches and staff. For this reason we have modified some of our travel policies, and are reaffirming best practices for illness prevention.
As members of the U.S. Soccer family, we would encourage you to carefully look at your own programming - including events and travel - and stay in contact with our office as well as your local and state departments of Public Health with further questions. We will endeavor to provide all members with timely and relevant information on Coronavirus.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent the Coronavirus. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed. Everyday preventive actions should be taken, including:
Additionally, here are a number of different resources and communications from the CDC and other organizations regarding the Coronavirus:
CDC - Travel Recommendations (China)
CDC - Frequently Asked Questions
WHO - Advice for Coronavirus
U.S. Department of State - Country Specific Travel Information
USOPC - Coronavirus Update
Our primary commitment and focus at all times is the health and safety of our U.S. Soccer family, so please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments.
Dr. George Chiampas
Chief Medical Officer
U.S. Soccer
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